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Friendly Business Team


About us

Competitive Advantage PAC is dedicated to inclusivity and diversity in our political landscape. We champion for minority candidates in state and local government races. Our mission is to amplify the voices of underrepresented communities providing financial support and strategic assistance to black and minority candidates seeking public office in state houses, county governments, city halls, school boards, and other locally elected or appointed positions where decisions and policies set by those governmental offices have day-to-day impact on black and minority communities.  Through fundraising, strategic support, and grassroots engagement, Competitive Advantage, PAC will support diverse candidates to create a more inclusive democracy where every citizen's representative perspective and needs are valued and where our government looks like the citizenry it represents.

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Contact Us

P.O. Box 1504, 3360 Post Office Road, Prince William County, Virginia 22193-9996

Principal: Phillip E. Thompson
Tel: 703-835-1666

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© 2023 Competitive Advantage PAC.

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