Competitive advantage pac
What We Do

Campaign Financing
At Competative Advantage PAC, we believe that diversity is vital in our government, and we're committed to increasing the representation of Black and Minority candidates in state and local elected positions. We provide financing for those who are seeking public office and offer fundraising opportunities and additional campaign support. Our team is dedicated to helping candidates achieve their goals and to making a positive change in our communities.

Voter Turnout
At Competitive Advantage PAC, we believe that every voice deserves to be heard. That’s why we’re committed to supporting and empowering black and minority voters through our Get Out the Vote efforts. Our mission is to increase voter turnout in these important communities, so that all voices are represented at the table.
"If you don't have a seat at the table you will be on the menu"

Candidate Support
At Competitive Advantage PAC, we believe that a strong campaign team is essential to winning elections. That’s why we offer a platform that connects candidates with trusted volunteers who share their vision and are committed to helping them achieve their goals.